The Meineke Lab welcomes people from all professional and personal backgrounds, sexualities, gender identities, races, religious affiliations, nationalities, and disability statuses.

Our first principle is that people deserve equal opportunities.  

Second, great science relies on diverse perspectives.

At the departmental level, we are part of a new committee aimed at increasing and supporting diversity. More details about our current and planned activities are linked here.

Undergraduates: If you are interested in our work on climate change, cities, and species interactions, please get in touch. Please also consider applying for the Research Scholars in Insect Biology Program.

Prospective graduate students: Our lab is currently full, and we are not accepting new graduate students for the next 3 years (2022-2025). Please be aware that if you contact Dr. Meineke about graduate studies at her email address, you may not get a response during this time.

Prospective postdocs: If you are interested in becoming a postdoc in the lab, please email with your research interests, project idea(s), and your current CV. We welcome requests to collaborate on proposals.